FRED - Unity Game

I’ve been back working in Unity lately as part of a new PG Cert at Queens University Belfast in an Introduction to Games Technologies!

Alpha Prototype 1 04/12/2024

In this first update, I blocked a lot of the game out and started working on character movement. I hooked up the Cinemachine package in Unity for use as my primary camera, which is already so much better than trying to hardcode it myself. I also worked on the concept of the owner chasing my character Fred, based on my friend’s cat. At the moment, he chases mice around while hiding from his owner.

I added a pause menu! 08/12/2023

As I am new to game development, I am starting to appreciate the workload more and more. I spent a good couple of hours today implementing a new feature; The Pause Menu. Now the player can pause the game and freeze time while also resuming or restarting the game. The plan for this is to add a main menu later on and be able to quit the game entirely. For now, I was really chuffed.


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